In Conclusion
With the passing of the years much has also changed, physically, about the Greenock which has been home to the 1st Company in its first one hundred years of life. The Vennel Hall has gone and is marked by a bronze plaque on the wall of the houses at the junction of Sir Michael Street and High Street. Thomas Stewart's memory is commemorated by a plaque presented by the Mizpah Band and sited in the east archway of the main vestibule of the present Church building. Over the years, however, thousands of boys have passed through the ranks of the Company. Some are remembered no doubt because of the remarkable people they were, or for what they subsequently achieved or are achieving in the course of their lives. It is our hope and prayer that their experience of the 1st Greenock will have helped fit them for life over the years and will continue to do so.
Early Days
Silver Jubilee
Musical Influence
In the Next 25 Years
In Conclusion